W4DETM Day of Service Game Night
The Writing for Diversity and Equity in Theatre and Media Cohort will be hosting their annual Day of Service. Please join us for a game night to let loose and have some fun as a form of selfcare. In these trying times, this day of service hopes to give students and faculty a chance to both reflect and have discourse happening around us and feel support through embracing community with board games, snacks, and more.
<p>The Writing for Diversity and Equity in Theatre and Media Cohort will be hosting their annual Day of Service. Please join us for a game night to let loose and have some fun as a form of selfcare. In these trying times, this day of service hopes to give students and faculty a chance to both reflect and have discourse happening around us and feel support through embracing community with board games, snacks, and more.</p>
Description Writing For Diversity & Equity mscotttorbet@pace.edu America/New_York public