Ahead of the Class

When 男女操逼视频软件男女操逼视频软件檚 Admissions team received Shahab Gharib男女操逼视频软件檚 application, they were thoroughly impressed. Here was a student with excellent academic credentials and a wealth of extracurricular interests男女操逼视频软件攕omeone who would certainly make a positive impact in the Pace Community.
Yet, when it was the Pforzheimer Honors College男女操逼视频软件檚 turn to look over his application, they noticed something extremely odd. A clerical error? They sought to investigate.
男女操逼视频软件淭hey called back to confirm Shahab男女操逼视频软件檚 date of birth,男女操逼视频软件 says Bardia Gharib, the student男女操逼视频软件檚 father. 男女操逼视频软件淚 said no, it男女操逼视频软件檚 not a typo男女操逼视频软件攈e男女操逼视频软件檚 really 12 years-old.男女操逼视频软件
This is a common through-line for Shahab, who began his undergraduate studies at Pace at the age of男女操逼视频软件攁gain, not a typo男女操逼视频软件12 years old.
男女操逼视频软件淎t first, people are kind of shocked,男女操逼视频软件 he says. 男女操逼视频软件淏ut after a while, I男女操逼视频软件檓 like anyone else.男女操逼视频软件 Shahab Gharib, despite his modest, easy-going demeanor, is certainly not like anybody else.
Born in Bruchsal, Germany, Shahab moved with his parents to Hollywood, Florida, when he was a young child. Even then, it was clear that he was unusually gifted. For one, it seemed that he was already devouring books well-beyond his reading level. His teachers and school administrators took note of Shahab男女操逼视频软件檚 clearly advanced intellect, and in fourth grade, he moved to a gifted school. Then, as a fourth-grader, Shahab had the opportunity to take the PSATs男女操逼视频软件攁 trial run for the SATs, typically taken by high school juniors a few months prior to the big test. Shahab scored a 1250, in the 99th percentile for his age group.
男女操逼视频软件淭hat was the 男女操逼视频软件極K男女操逼视频软件 moment,男女操逼视频软件 his father says. 男女操逼视频软件淲e knew he was gifted, but this was clearly something else.男女操逼视频软件

Getting Ahead
Talking to Shahab, you instantly realize that he is, above all, curious. It男女操逼视频软件檚 likely this insatiable hunger for knowledge that made Shahab excel beyond his peers, even in middle school. While most sixth graders, for example, might be pining to play video games after a school day filled with algebra and world history, that wasn男女操逼视频软件檛 exactly the case for Shahab.
Instead, while not in the classroom, he started taking electives for high school credit through Florida Virtual School. He also made it a point to finish every book he picked up男女操逼视频软件 whether that be popular favorites like the Harry Potter series (which he finished in first grade), personal favorites such as Bryce Courtenay男女操逼视频软件檚 The Power of One, or dense non-fiction such as The Washing of the Spears, a comprehensive history of the Zulu nation.

男女操逼视频软件淚 may have a slight reading problem,男女操逼视频软件 admits Shahab.
Eventually, Shahab took so many classes through Florida Virtual School that he had, in effect, completed high school at age 12. He and his parents had a decision to make男女操逼视频软件攕hould he actually go to high school and study subjects he had already mastered? Or was he ready to keep challenging himself intellectually and make the leap to college?
男女操逼视频软件淲e had said if he was going to go to college, it had to be New York,男女操逼视频软件 said Bardia, referencing the endless cultural opportunities offered by the city, as well as a 男女操逼视频软件渞eal-world男女操逼视频软件 crash-course the frenetic nature of Manhattan inevitably provides.
So, he applied to Pace. And he was accepted. Through credits from the Florida Virtual School and CollegeBoard CLEP exams, he even entered with 12 college credits.

In the Classroom
In some ways, Shahab男女操逼视频软件檚 time at Pace has been like that of any other student. Like the rest of his peers, he diligently balances his time between a full course load and extracurriculars. He男女操逼视频软件檚 majoring in history, and has greatly enjoyed his courses in other disciplines, including economics, computer science, and creative writing.
He男女操逼视频软件檚 earned praise from professors with whom he男女操逼视频软件檚 developed strong relationships, including his English professor, Eugene Richie, PhD, who is also Pace男女操逼视频软件檚 director of creative writing. Richie has been sincerely impressed with男女操逼视频软件攁s he describes男女操逼视频软件 Shahab男女操逼视频软件檚 maturity and sense of connection. Given his stellar work, Richie recommended him for the Andrew W. Mellon Pace Storytelling Fellowship for Equity and Inclusion, which Shahab was recently awarded. As part of the Fellowship, Shahab will be participating in a fully paid internship this summer with a creative organization that matches his future interests.
男女操逼视频软件淚 got a call from the Honors College director who said Shahab wasn男女操逼视频软件檛 18 and was going to enter college early,男女操逼视频软件 Richie says. 男女操逼视频软件淗e came to class, and he was brilliant. He talked all the time, and he really engaged with the material.男女操逼视频软件 After enrolling in a modern and contemporary international poetry course男女操逼视频软件攊n which, Richie notes, Shabab provided a unique perspective given his early upbringing in Germany男女操逼视频软件攈e then signed up for an Honors course focusing on poetry, memoir, and creative fiction.
After writing a few poems, the class moved onto the memoir, during which Shahab revealed his story more in depth男女操逼视频软件攖o the great surprise of his classmates and even his professor, who had assumed he was closer to 18. 男女操逼视频软件淲hen he did the memoir, he revealed to the other students that he could男女操逼视频软件檝e gone to high school but decided that he男女操逼视频软件檇 rather start college because he was able to do it,男女操逼视频软件 said Richie. 男女操逼视频软件淭hen I realized, wow, he must be 13 or 14 years old男女操逼视频软件擨 had no idea!男女操逼视频软件
男女操逼视频软件淚f someone tells him 男女操逼视频软件榊ou can男女操逼视频软件檛男女操逼视频软件攜ou男女操逼视频软件檙e too young, you won男女操逼视频软件檛 be able to男女操逼视频软件櫮信俦剖悠等砑䲠that男女操逼视频软件檚 a cue for him, and he男女操逼视频软件檒l prove them wrong,男女操逼视频软件 男女操逼视频软件擝ardia Gharib.
男女操逼视频软件nd Beyond
If your impression is that Shahab camps out in the library 24/7, you男女操逼视频软件檇 be wrong. While clearly prolific in his studies, he男女操逼视频软件檚 also made time for a number of activities outside of the classroom. Last fall, he got involved with Pace男女操逼视频软件檚 student-run radio station, WPUB, and started hosting his own radio show. Titled Books, Ballads, and Blasts from the Past, the show uses reading and history as a conversation starter and introduces the world of Shahab to a wider audience. And, as WPUB asks: Everyone always wants to know what a 13-year-old has to say about history, books, and all genres of music, right?
男女操逼视频软件淎lliterations are a running joke in my family,男女操逼视频软件 he says, explaining the title of his radio show. 男女操逼视频软件淭he experience so far has been really great男女操逼视频软件擨 usually bring a friend who has a different perspective on a lot of things, and it has been a lot of fun.男女操逼视频软件
He男女操逼视频软件檚 also punching above his weight男女操逼视频软件攍iterally. The sport of boxing has long been a family endeavor. Bardia, a boxer who ran a boxing gym in Bruchsal, has been a source of inspiration and encouragement for Shahab. During their time in Florida, the Gharibs were members of a boxing gym, where Shahab met Max Schillinger, who is now himself a student at Pace男女操逼视频软件檚 Lubin School of Business. The two bonded over their admiration of hip-hop artists, which Schillinger joked that Shahab was definitely too young to be listening to.
男女操逼视频软件淏ack when we met, he told me he was in 10th grade,男女操逼视频软件 said Schillinger. 男女操逼视频软件淗e was 11 years old. I was in disbelief.男女操逼视频软件
The two ended up keeping in touch after the Gharib family left Florida for New York City, and Schillinger was entering his senior year of high school. Schillinger, unbeknownst to Shahab at the time, was also looking to study in New York City and coincidentally was also accepted to Pace last spring. Although the two didn男女操逼视频软件檛 plan to attend college together, their continued friendship has blossomed.
男女操逼视频软件淲e ran into each other in the elevator on the second day of school,男女操逼视频软件 said Shahab. 男女操逼视频软件淚 said, Max! We need to do some boxing.男女操逼视频软件

And so they have. The pair recently started Soulfighter NYC, a Pace boxing club that meets twice a week in either the Pace gym or in City Hall Park. Each class spans about an hour, and is led by Bardia, who teaches students the basics of boxing, footwork, and strategy男女操逼视频软件攚hile making sure nobody is skimping on the push-ups. At a recent session, Shahab, despite being clearly younger than the other dozen or so other Pace students, did not seem remotely out of place. In fact, while sparring with his partner, he was both focused on his own footwork and technique and encouraging of his partner, once again suggesting a maturity beyond his years. At the end of the training session, he lay down on the floor exhausted, in a way only possible after a grueling but rewarding workout.
Schillinger, while not surprised Shahab is able to excel in this environment just like he did in Florida, is no less impressed. 男女操逼视频软件淲hat seems like an abnormality is possible, if you look at where hard work can get you,男女操逼视频软件 said Schillinger.
Going Places
With Shahab, there is often a question about his future男女操逼视频软件攊f someone who was born in 2008(!) has been able to accomplish so much already, what will he be able to do by 2030? 2040? And although some might want to put grand aspirations on his shoulders, Shahab, with the help of Bardia, seems to be quite adept at not looking too far down the road. Because he is looking to graduate next year男女操逼视频软件攅arly of, course男女操逼视频软件 his primary concern is focusing on his plans immediately after graduation. After a few long conversations with his family, professors, and mentors, he has decided he would like to attend law school. He recently applied to Pace男女操逼视频软件檚 Elisabeth Haub School of Law, where he hopes to take advantage of the 3+3 program, in which students can earn their BA and JD in only six years. Although he男女操逼视频软件檚 not entirely sure what he男女操逼视频软件檇 like to study, he notes the environmental law program, currently ranked the best in the country, holds great interest.
Shahab is also excited for another element of a typical university experience. While it男女操逼视频软件檚 not unusual for college students to live at home, it is a bit unusual for their parents to regularly accompany them to campus. Because of his age, Shahab who lives with Bardia and mom, Amorita, on the Upper West Side, goes back and forth to campus with Bardia. He acts as a chaperone of sorts男女操逼视频软件攂ringing Shahab down to One Pace Plaza each day on the subway, providing guidance, and helping ensure Shahab grows socially and culturally as well as academically.

At law school however, the plan is for Shahab to further his growth and live in the dorms. Although Bardia will certainly be a little bit sad to not be in the company of Shahab each and every day, he男女操逼视频软件檚 also incredibly proud of what his son has been able to accomplish. He looks at Shahab living without parents as an essential aspect of growing up. And even though Shahab will only be 15 when he starts law school, it男女操逼视频软件檚 safe to say his life experience is a bit beyond his years.
男女操逼视频软件淧eople ask, 男女操逼视频软件榊ou bring your son to school?男女操逼视频软件櫮信俦剖悠等砑䴘 jokes Bardia. 男女操逼视频软件淣o, my son brought me here.男女操逼视频软件 And his son is clearly going places. 男女操逼视频软件淚f someone tells him 男女操逼视频软件榊ou can男女操逼视频软件檛男女操逼视频软件攜ou男女操逼视频软件檙e too young, you won男女操逼视频软件檛 be able to男女操逼视频软件櫮信俦剖悠等砑䲠that男女操逼视频软件檚 a cue for him, and he男女操逼视频软件檒l prove them wrong,男女操逼视频软件 Bardia says.
Shabab smiles. 男女操逼视频软件淚 may be a tad competitive,男女操逼视频软件 he says.
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