

Meet the Presidents of SGA

Johnni Medina
September 7, 2022
An image featuring a smiling Aman Islam and Kimberly Mars speaking at a podium

Aman Islam and Kimberly Mars are both political science majors at Pace男女操逼视频软件擜man in New York City and Kimberly in Pleasantville. But that男女操逼视频软件檚 not where the similarities end. They also both hold the office of President of the Student Government Association男女操逼视频软件檚 executive board on their respective campuses.

Not sure what the Student Government Association (SGA) does? No worries男女操逼视频软件攚e got you. The purpose of SGA is to represent the voice and rights of the student body, to ensure an environment which supports the development of student leadership and responsibility, and facilitate the activities and interests of the undergraduate student body. Essentially, SGA is the elected representatives of the student body.

With the approach of the fall semester, we sat down with Kimberly and Aman to learn more about their student government background, their governing ideals, and their hopes for the upcoming year. Consider this your introduction to Pace男女操逼视频软件檚 SGA presidents.

How did you get involved with student government?

Aman: When I came to Pace, I was trying to find my place on campus in this virtual world. I did student government through high school, so I ran for freshman president. I actually lost that race, but I became a fellow with the SGA and got really involved. This year I decided it was time to try to join the executive board. So what started off as a loss, turned into being president.

Kimberly: This is actually my second term as SGA president. When I first came to Pace, I was on an executive board for and I noticed there was a limitation to what we were able to accomplish. I wanted to make a difference, but I knew I had to be in one of the highest positions to make an impact. That was one of my biggest motivating factors to join SGA.

What are some examples of SGA having a positive impact at Pace?

Aman: The pronouns initiative that happened last year. We saw an issue that wasn男女操逼视频软件檛 being addressed. Our freshman class representatives last year decided to write out a proposal to make it easier for students to include their preferred pronouns across digital platforms. We showed it to administration and they adopted it.

Kimberly: Last year we were heavily involved with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and starting this new tradition called the Heritage Celebration, which supports students of color on campus that are graduating. We gave them certificates and the opportunity to feel appreciated for all their hard work.

What hopes do you and the rest of the SGA have for this upcoming year?

Aman: We are coming back stronger than ever. We are branding ourselves not only as an advocacy group but as a programming group. We want to bring events, throw banquets, and have so much fun while advocating for every single student here, regardless of if you are an incoming freshman or an outgoing senior.

Kimberly: We男女操逼视频软件檙e starting from scratch with a mostly new board. We want to have town hall events more often so we can gauge what the student body is looking for from us and from the University. We also want to continue doing events that bring the student body together like , which was an amazing chance to see the entire student body come out.

What are you personally most excited about this year?

Aman: I男女操逼视频软件檓 just excited to see where this year takes me, and how the Pace Community grows from COVID-19. It男女操逼视频软件檚 just great to see all the new faces coming to campus and all the new people to bring the legacy of Pace globally.

Kimberly: I男女操逼视频软件檓 most excited to see the new, incoming class and see what it is they want to get out of Pace. I always love talking to the freshman because they have amazing ideas or ways they want to change or adapt the university to be better for everyone.

Finally, what do you want the students on your campus to know about SGA?

Aman: First of all, welcome to Pace, we男女操逼视频软件檙e so excited to have you here. SGA is here for you. If you have a problem, reach out. We can advocate for you, and you can advocate for yourself. We will listen to you. Be loud, be proud, and tell us what you need.

Kimberly: I just want the student body to know that they can come to us for anything. They should never be afraid to use their voice. It is extremely important, and they deserve to be heard. They can speak up in any way they choose, they can come to us, and we男女操逼视频软件檒l help them. We are always here.

To learn more or get in contact with Student Government Association on New York City男女操逼视频软件檚 Campus email them at sganycpresident@pace.edu or sganyc@pace.edu and .

To learn more or get in contact with Pleasantville男女操逼视频软件檚 Student Government Association email them at sgapresident@pace.edu or .

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