Dyson Professor Jared Manasek and several NY education experts provide historical insights and context to LoHud/Gannett for a story about viewing the Israel-Hamas conflict through a historical and education lens.

Jared Manasek
Assistant Chair
PhD, Columbia University, New York, 2013
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Forced Migration, Humanitarianism, Diplomatic History, International Law, Sovereignty
Courses Taught
Past Courses
HIS 104: Hstry of Wstrn Civ 1815-Prsnt
HIS 107: World Civilization I
HIS 113: The U.S. and the World
HIS 114: Ideas & the Mdrn State in Eur
HIS 119: Middle East: Historical Survey
HIS 120: Crimes Against Humanity
HIS 196: Crimes Against Humanity
HIS 207: Europe Since World War I
HIS 209: Israel/Palestine:Heritage/Chal
HIS 216: History of Human Rights
HIS 220: Mdrn Islamic Wrld:1850-Present
HIS 222: Empire Falls: Ottmn, Erp, & ME
HIS 297: Empire Falls
HIS 380: Seminar on Historiography
HIS 395: Independent Study in History
HIS 499: Senior Year Experience in His
INT 198: Faith,Society,Conflict MidEast
Related News and Stories
Nathanael Linton ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™19, with mentorship from Dyson Assistant Professor Jared Manasek, PhD, examines the ever-complex world of nuclear weapons, which represents and arguably larger threat today than ever before.