Kier Hanratty
Faculty Bio
Originally from New York City, Dr. Hanratty holds a PhD in Public and Urban Policy from the Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment at The New School. He also holds Master's degrees in Urban Policy and Management as well as Urban Planning
PhD, The New School, New York City
Public and Urban Policy
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
State and Local Public Finance
Public and Urban Policy
Labor Economics and Policy
Urban Economics and Housing Policy
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ECO 105: Principles of Economics: Macro
ECO 106: Principles of Economics: Micro
ECO 106: Prncpls of Ecnmcs: Mcroecnmcs
ECO 240: Quant Analysis & Forecasting
ECO 240: Quantitative Anlys & Forcastng
ECO 271: Economics Geography
ECO 354: Urban Economics
ECO 356: Labor Economics
ECO 365: US Economy & Public Policy
ECO 370: Economics of Public Finance
ECO 390: Internship In Economics
ECO 395: Independent Study in Economics
ECO 400: Seminar in Economic Theory
ECO 690: Public Economic Plcy Analysis
ECO 699: Mstr Thss of 3 Pblc Plcy Essys
ECO 699: Mstr Thss or 3 Pblc Plcy Essys
INT 295: Topics: People & Markets
LAS 201: Latin America,Caribbean & Wrld
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
Publications and Presentations
The Effect of Tax Caps on School Quality and Home Prices
Hanratty, K. (2025). 51st Eastern Economic Association Conference. Eastern Economic Association,
Impact of State-Level Changes in Paid Family Leave Policies: Evidence from New Jersey's Paid Leave Insurance Program
Hanratty, K. (2024). LERA 76th Annual Meeting. The Labor and Employment Relations Association,
Do Property Tax Limitations Affect the Ability of Local Governments to Deliver Public Services?
Hanratty, K. (2023). 49th Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting. Eastern Economic Association,