Michael Rubbo
Faculty Bio
I am a conservation biologist who specializes in the ecology of suburban ecosystems. My recent work has addressed a variety of issues including human-wildlife conflicts, disease ecology, and the adaptions of local wildlife to land development.
PhD, Pennsylvania State Univeristy, University Park, PA, 2004
MS, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2000
BS, SUNY - College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1995
Environmental Biology
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Wildlife conservation and management (specifically reptiles and amphibians), wetlands ecology, and disease ecology.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ENS 201: Fund. of Environmental Science
ENS 202: Fund. of Environmental Science
ENS 500: Fld Stdy Ntrl His and Cnsrvtn HV
ENS 520: Ecology of Freshwater Ecosyste
ENS 696: Tpc: Envrnmntl Project Design
ENS 792: Rsrch in Envrnmntl Sci I
ENS 793: Rsrch in Envrnmntl Sci II
ENV 274: Envrnmntl Educ. & Interpre.
ENV 288: Flora and Fauna: Hudson Valley
ENV 297: Field Schl in Natural History
ENV 344: Hbts of Hdsn Vlly ID & Assmnt
ENV 390: Internship In Enviro Studies
ENV 498: Mentoring Seminar
ENV 499: Senior Year Exp/Environmental
ESP 772: Thesis Preparation
ESP 794: Cntmprry Envrnmntl Issues: Cps
Publications and Presentations
Species loss in the brown world: are heterotrophic systems inherently stable?
Rubbo, M., Belden, L. K., Storrs-Mendez, S. I., Cole, J. J. & Kiesecker, J. M. (2012). Aquatic sciences. Vol 74 (Issue 3) , pages 397ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“404.
The Influence of Amphibians on Mosquitoes in Seasonal Pools: Can Wetlands Protection Help to Minimize Disease Risk?
Rubbo, M., Lanterman, J. L., Falco, R. C. & Daniels, T. J. (2011). Wetlands. Vol 31 (Issue 4) , pages 799ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“804.
Differential responses of aquatic consumers to variations in leaf-litter inputs
Rubbo, M., Belden, L. K. & Kiesecker, J. M. (2008). Hydrobiologia. Vol 605 (Issue 1) , pages 37ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“44.
Terrestrial subsidies of organic carbon support net ecosystem production in temporary forest ponds: evidence from an ecosystem experiment
Rubbo, M., Cole, J. J. & Kiesecker, J. M. (2006). Ecosystems. Vol 9 (Issue 7) , pages 1170ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“1176.
Amphibian breeding distribution in an urbanized landscape
Rubbo, M. & Kiesecker, J. M. (2005). Conservation biology. Vol 19 (Issue 2) , pages 504ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“511.
Leaf litter composition and community structure: translating regional species changes into local dynamics
Rubbo, M. & Kiesecker, J. M. (2004). Ecology. Vol 85 (Issue 9) , pages 2519ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“2525.