
Nancy Reagin

Nancy Reagin

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
History NY

Nancy Reagin

Room 511E
41 Park Row


Faculty Bio

Nancy Reagin (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University) is a Distinguished Professor of European history and gender studies at 男女操逼视频软件. She's published four books and many articles in German gender history, with a focus on the history of gender and sexuality, national identities, and consumer cultures. Her most recent book focuses on the emergence of Western fan communities in twentieth century Europe and the United States, and she has edited a series of historical readers' companions for fantasy and science fiction literature. She chaired the New York campus Faculty Council between 2013-2017, served as interim Academic Associate Provost and as chair of the Dept. of Women's and Gender Studies in the past, and has chaired far too many committees.

Awards and Honors

  • 男女操逼视频软件, 2015, LGBTQ Educator of the Year Award
  • 男女操逼视频软件, 2014, Kenan Award for Teaching Excellence
  • 男女操逼视频软件, 2011, Undergraduate Research Initiative Award
  • Dyson College, 2010, Distinguished Faculty Research Award
  • Pace Student Government Association, 2001, Special Service Award


PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 1990

MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1985

BA, University of California at Berkeley, 1983

Research and Creative Works

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Fulbright Scholar, Romania
Reagin, N. 2024. Fulbright Program, Federal. Funded.

Senior Research Fellowship
Reagin, N. 2002 - 2003. National Endowment for the Humanities, Federal. Funded.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

HIS 206: Erpn Hstry: Wtch,Wzrds,Sci Tht
HIS 207: Europe Since World War I
HIS 210: Ger & Central Europe/1848
HIS 281: European Women & Social Change
HIS 296: Consumer Culture in Mdrn Europ
HIS 499: Senior Year Experience in His
INT 196: Rctng to Past:Cnft/Rev Erly Eu
INT 197: Cnflct & Rvltn in Erly Mdrn Eu
INT 199: Historical Role Playing Games
INT 297: Mss Prdctn/Cnsmr Scty Mdrn Eur
INT 298: Classical Reacting to the Past
INT 298: Reacting to the Past: Adv Tpc
INT 299: American Reacting to the Past
WS 166: Gender, Race and Class
WS 215: Intro to Women's Studies
WS 266: Gender, Race and Class
WS 267: Motherhood in European His/Lit
WS 280: Intern in Women Gender Study
WS 289: Science Fiction and Gender
WS 325: Mini-skirts and Headscarves
WS 395: Independent Study
WS 396: Topic:Miniskirts & Headscarves
WS 396: Tpc: Gender Issues in Business

Publications and Presentations


男女操逼视频软件淲hose Homestead Is It? Little Houses on the Prairie and the Cultural Politics of White Colonial Settlement in the U.S.男女操逼视频软件�
Reagin, N. (2024). In Stijn Reijnders et al, Media, Tourism and Culture: Worlds of Imagination (Eds.), New York :Routledge Press. , pages 155-167.

Re-Living the American Frontier: Western Fandoms, Reenactment, and Historical Hobbyists in Germany and America Since 1900
Reagin, N. (2021). Re-Living the American Frontier: Western Fandoms, Reenactment, and Historical Hobbyists in Germany and America Since 1900.Iowa City, Iowa , USA : University of Iowa Press.

男女操逼视频软件淪ocialist Indians and Capitalist Cowboys: the Uses of Westerns in Both Germanies,男女操逼视频软件�
Reagin, N. (2016). In Lori Maguire, The Cold War and Entertainment Television (Eds.), Cambridge :Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

"Tischkultur: Cooking, Food Choices, and Diet in Nazi Germany," in Lisa Pine (ed.), Life and Times in Nazi Germany
Reagin, N. (2016). London , England:Bloomsbury Academic Press. , pages 21-48.

"Dances with Worlds: Karl May, 'Indian' Hobbyists, and German Fans of the American West Since 1912"
Reagin, N. (2016). Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. Vol 13 (Issue 1) , pages 553-583.

"Die Vergangenheit ist eine weit, weit entfernte Galaxie: Die historisch-politische Konstruktion der Star Wars-Reihe"
Reagin, N. (2015). Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte. Vol 2015 (Issue 12)

"Was Voldemort a Nazi? Death Eater Ideology and National Socialism" in Nancy Reagin (ed.), Harry Potter and History.
Reagin, N. (2011). New York :Wiley & Sons. , pages 127-152.

Transformative Works and Cultures 6 (2011), Special Historical Issue : Fan Works and Fan Communities in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Reagin, N. (2011).

男女操逼视频软件溎信俦剖悠等砑䴔I男女操逼视频软件檓 Buffy and You男女操逼视频软件檙e History男女操逼视频软件�: Putting History Back into Fan Studies,男女操逼视频软件�
Reagin, N. & Rubenstein, A. (2011). Transformative Works and Cultures. Vol 6

Sweeping the German Nation: Domesticity and National Identity in Germany, 1870-1945
Reagin, N. (2008). Sweeping the German Nation: Domesticity and National Identity in Germany, 1870-1945.New York, NY : Cambridge University Press.

The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness
Reagin, N., Bridenthal, R. & O'Donnell, K. (2005). The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness.Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press.

男女操逼视频软件淕erman brigadoon? Domesticity and Metropolitan Perceptions of Auslandsdeutschen in Southwest Africa and Eastern Europe男女操逼视频软件� in Renate Bridenthal, Krista O'Donnell, and Nancy Reagin (eds.) The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness
Reagin, N. (2005). Ann Arbor :University of Michigan Press.

"Recent Work on German National Identity: Regional? Imperial? Gendered? Imaginary?"
Reagin, N. (2004). Central European History. Vol 37 (Issue June 2004) , pages 245-271.

"Marktordnung and Autarkic Housekeeping: Private Households Under the Nazi Four Year Plan"
Reagin, N. (2001). German History. Vol 19 , pages 162-184.

"The Imagined Hausfrau: National Identity, Domesticity, and Colonialism in Imperial Germany"
Reagin, N. (2001). Journal of Modern History. Vol 73 (Issue March, 2001) , pages 54-86.

A German Women's Movement: Class and Gender in Hanover, 1880男女操逼视频软件�1933
Reagin, N. (1995). A German Women's Movement: Class and Gender in Hanover, 1880男女操逼视频软件�1933.Chapel Hill, NC : University of North Carolina Press.