William Offutt
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Awards and Honors
- 男女操逼视频软件, 2013, Kenan Award for Teaching Excellence
- 男女操逼视频软件, 2008, Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award
- 男女操逼视频软件, 2005, Distinguished Faculty Service Award
PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, 1988
JD, Stanford University, 1979
AB, Stanford University, 1976
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Early American history specializing in social and legal history of PA NJ NY
Courses Taught
Past Courses
HIS 113: Lssn in Lbrty: Prms/Rlty - LC
HIS 113: Lssns in Lbrty: Prmse & Rlty
HIS 113: The Constitution & Presidency
HIS 113: The Early American Legacy - LC
HIS 254: The American Civil War
HIS 259: The American Revolution
HIS 260: Constitutional History of U.S.
HIS 280: History of American Women
HIS 289: Social His of Sports in the US
HIS 297: Scl Hstry of Sprts in the US
HIS 297: The American Civil War - LC
HIS 380: Seminar on Historiography
HIS 391: History Internship
HIS 395: Independent Study in History
HIS 499: Senior Year Experience in His
HIS 700: Capstone in American History
HISA 113: The Early American Legacy
HON 393: Honors Internship
HON 499: Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds
INT 198: Cnflct & Rvltn in Erly Amrca
INT 199: Historical Role Playing Games
INT 298: Classical Reacting to the Past
INT 298: Reacting to the Past: Adv Tpc
INT 299: American Reacting to the Past
NYS 391: NYC Then and Now
POL 302: Constitutional Law: Cvl Rights
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
UNV 101: First-Yr Smnr: Unvrsty Commnty
Publications and Presentations
Instructor's Manual for Patriots, Loyalists, and Revolution in New York City, 1775-76
Offutt, W. M.
男女操逼视频软件淭he Atlantic Rules: The Legalistic Turn in Colonial British America,男女操逼视频软件
Offutt, W. M. (2005). Elizabeth Manke and Carole Shammas (Eds.), Baltimore :Johns Hopkins University Press. , pages 160-181.