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APPLICATION BASIC Fall application due: October 25, 2024Spring application due: March 31, 2025 For faculty development activities between July 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025For faculty development activities between January 1 and June 30, 2025Email your application with the necessary signatures and supporting documents in a single pdf file to: Current NYC Kenan FD Committee Chair Anna Shostya at  HYPERLINK "mailto:ashostya@pace.edu" ashostya@pace.edu The subject line of the application email should contain:KENAN-NYCYour last nameThe reimbursement request to the provost office due:August 31, 2025APPLICANT INFORMATION (Do not abbreviate)Name FORMTEXT      Rank FORMTEXT      Campus Base FORMTEXT      Full-Time (Y/N) FORMTEXT      School FORMTEXT       Department FORMTEXT       Email  FORMTEXT      U# FORMTEXT      ACTIVITY (Do not abbreviate)For what developmental activity is the Kenan fund requested (e.g., attend a workshop, present a paper at a conference, attend a convention for enrichment, etc.)? Do not use a weblink.  FORMTEXT       Sponsoring Organization  FORMTEXT      Location of Activity FORMTEXT      Dates of attendance (e.g., 09/1/24  09/05/24) FORMTEXT   -  FORMTEXT  What is (are) your role(s)? Check below:Presenter  FORMTEXT       Moderator  FORMTEXT       Officer  FORMTEXT       Panelist  FORMTEXT       Attendee  FORMTEXT       Other  FORMTEXT       - Describe:  FORMTEXT      Describe how the activity will contribute to your development. For example, for a workshop, indicate how it will enhance your teaching. For a presentation, describe how your presentation will develop you as a faculty. For conference attendance, explain the activities or presentations you plan to attend and their developmental impact. FORMTEXT      SUPPORTING DOCUMENTSAttach supporting documents at the end of this application form in a single pdf file (e.g. flyers, brochures, convention program details, a letter of acceptance with the paper title, or an explanation of its absence for presentations). If you plan to attend a workshop, a seminar, or a conference for enrichment, attach its description. Weblinks are not accepted. See below. If you are a presenter, the acceptance letter is highly recommended. Check below. (1) Are you attaching the acceptance letter addressed to you as a presenter (letter, email correspondence, etc.)? Yes  FORMTEXT       No  FORMTEXT       - If not, explain why.  FORMTEXT       (2) What do you present? Paper  FORMTEXT       Poster  FORMTEXT       Book  FORMTEXT       Proposal  FORMTEXT       Abstract  FORMTEXT       Essay  FORMTEXT       Other  FORMTEXT       - Describe:  FORMTEXT       (3) What is the title of the paper, poster, abstract, etc.?  FORMTEXT       Are you attaching other supporting documents? Yes  FORMTEXT       No  FORMTEXT       Confirm that you submit the supporting documents with this application in a single pdf file. Yes  FORMTEXT       No  FORMTEXT      BUDGET Specify the hotel rate and the number of nights, the mode of travel, etc. Check with the University on the per diem maximum for meals and the current auto mileage rate. For unusually high charges such as high registration fees or hotel costs, supporting documentation can help the Committee.Departure date FORMTEXT      Return date FORMTEXT      Number of nights at the hotel FORMTEXT      Hotel rate$ FORMTEXT      Travel mode (e.g., plane, car, bus, train) FORMTEXT      If a car, the number of miles FORMTEXT      ITEMIZED BUDGETItemsAmountTransportation (plane, car, etc.)$ FORMTEXT      Local travel (e.g., travel to the airport)$ FORMTEXT      Lodging (If part of registration, indicate.)$ FORMTEXT      Meals/gratuities (If part of registration, indicate.)$ FORMTEXT      Registration fee$ FORMTEXT      Workshop fee$ FORMTEXT      Other 1 (specify) FORMTEXT      $ FORMTEXT      Other 2 (specify) FORMTEXT      $ FORMTEXT      Total amount$ FORMTEXT      REQUESTED AMOUNTHave you applied for funding to your department/school? If YES, how much of the total amount will be funded by your department/school? If NO, explain why not$ FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      What is your net request from the Kenan funds?$ FORMTEXT      Did you receive a grant from Kenan in the last five semesters? Yes  FORMTEXT       No  FORMTEXT      SIGNATURESApplicant s SignatureDateDepartment Chairs: Signature indicates an awareness of this application, including plans to miss class.NameTitleSignature DateDeans: Signature indicates an endorsement of the application but does not guarantee funding. NameTitleSignature DateKENAN COMMITTEE ONLYKenan Chair SignatureDateAwardProvost SignatureDateCommittee Use  Call for Kenan Faculty Development Fund Application for NYC Full-Time Faculty  HYPERLINK "/nyfc/about-us/committees/kenan-faculty-development" NYFC Kenan website PURPOSE The Kenan Faculty Development fund purports to provide financial support for individual faculty development activities to full-time faculty. The Committee generally has $15,000 - $20,000 available per academic year to fund the activities. The amount is split approximately equally between the Fall and Spring semesters. If your Department or School can support the activity, please, first request funding from your Department or School before applying for the Kenan fund. The Committee is willing to join the Department in funding the activity. A space on the application form permits this combination of funding sources. SCOPE The Committee welcomes faculty development activities for the enhancement of faculty knowledge, skill, and ability to teach a course. Please note that faculty development activities that are made necessary due to changes to your program, core curriculum, or specific course are beyond the scope of the Kenan fund. The faculty developmental activity should be active in nature, and its developmental impact on the individual should be clearly demonstrated in the application.    #9DESTUkl  V ʾqeYIYjhyCJOJQJUaJhyCJOJQJaJhIdrCJOJQJaJhIdrhIdrCJOJQJaJhDhIdrCJOJQJ\aJhA@hIdr5CJOJQJaJhDhIdrCJOJQJaJhDhIdrCJOJQJaJhIdrCJOJQJaJ hDhhA hDhk hDhA hDhs hDhA hDh9phChJTU fkd$$Ifl|))  t 044 l` ap yt(T  $IfgdD$a$gdDgdDV W X j k l p u y ܿocSFShE5CJOJQJaJhY1ho5CJOJQJaJhho5CJaJhho5CJOJQJaJho5CJOJQJaJhoCJOJQJaJhDCJOJQJaJhIdrhIdrCJOJQJaJhIdrCJOJQJaJhyCJOJQJaJ hyhy0JCJOJQJaJjhyCJOJQJUaJ%jhyCJOJQJUaJ    * + ̿ܕu[F1(hh5B*CJOJQJaJph(hh T5B*CJOJQJaJph3h Th T5CJOJQJ\aJfHq h>UhbCJOJQJ\aJh>Uh.FCJOJQJ\aJhhoCJaJ"hq5B*CJOJQJaJphhE5CJOJQJaJhx5CJOJQJaJhY1ho5CJOJQJaJhhoCJOJQJaJ(hh5B*CJOJQJaJph B bUU  $IfgdDkd$$Ifl0|)h  t044 l` apyt(T+ @ A B e m | ƶrbWG7*7h%rCJOJQJ\aJh>Uh.FCJOJQJ\aJh^hb5CJOJQJaJhhbCJaJhY1hb5CJOJQJaJ(hho5B*CJOJQJaJph(hhb5B*CJOJQJaJph3h Th T5CJOJQJ\aJfHq h>Uh TCJOJQJ\aJh>UhbCJOJQJ\aJ(hh5B*CJOJQJaJph(hh T5B*CJOJQJaJph f bUU  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For example, in case of conference attendance for enrichment purposes, describe what specific activities or events you plan to attend at the conference. In a paper presentation, the Committee recognizes its active nature and thus, expects an acceptance letter with the paper title. Note that the Scholarly Research Committee provides grants for research presentations. PRIOR FUNDING HISTORY An applicant s prior funding level from the Kenan funds is also considered. A three-year running total is considered to assure that the funds are available to as many faculty as possible. Note that the Committee seeks to be as fair as possible in making its judgments of prior funding. FUND DISBURSAL PROCESS After the Committee approves the Kenan grant application, it forwards the list to the Provost for final approval. If approved for a Kenan grant, you will receive a grant letter from the Provost s Office. Please remember that the Committee only approves a budget and the intended purpose of the activity. To obtain reimbursement or an advance for granted Kenan funds, you should fill out the appropriate expense form (often a travel and expense form) following the instruction in the grant letter from the Provost s Office. You need to submit your reimbursement request by August 31 of the academic year. Contact the Provost Office ( HYPERLINK "mailto:Associateprovost@pace.edu" Associateprovost@pace.edu) with any questions about the reimbursement process. UNUSED FUNDS Note that the granted fund can only be used for the purpose indicated in the application. If the purpose changes, you must reapply. If you can t use the funds before August 31 of the year, you should notify the Committee s chair (Anna Shostya HYPERLINK "mailto:ashostya@pace.edu"ashostya@pace.edu ), so that the funds can be reallocated and your three-year running total of grants is correct. KENAN FUND IN THE FACULTY HANDBOOK (p52-53) The earned income from a grant of $300,000 donated by the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust may be used for the purpose of faculty development. Since the income is a function of the actual rates of return on the fund's investments, the amount available for faculty development will vary each year. The Office of the Comptroller will provide the Provost with an estimate of expected income at the beginning of each academic year. Unused funds are carried over from year to year. The income (less an annual expenditure for administrative costs) will be used for the following purposes: Kenan Awards for Teaching Excellence; Workshops, seminars, and special courses for faculty development Travel to conventions and professional meetings above and beyond College or School budgets; Texts and materials for course development; and Post-doctoral courses, particularly those which would enhance the effectiveness of faculty in the classroom; Processing of Applications. Faculty members requesting support from this fund must complete the official application form. After approval by the chairperson and Dean, the application is submitted to the chairperson of the local Kenan Committee. There are three such committees in the University: School of Law, New York, and Westchester. Approval forms are then submitted to the Office of the Provost. That Office will also notify faculty members of their awards and request checks as needed. The faculty member is required to provide documentation for his/her expenses before reimbursement can be made, although in some cases, an advance may be authorized.      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