Admission Requirements and Procedure

Admission Requirements and Procedure
Admission Requirements
Prospective applicants will be awarded 18 advanced standing credits (200 hours=1 credit) for 3,600 hours post baccalaureate clinical experience with attestation of clinical competency. Admission requires the below criteria be met.
A Successful Candidate Will
- Have successfully completed an ARC-PA (Accreditation Review Committee for Physician Assistants) accredited physician assistant program that includes a minimum of 32 credits in the didactic year, and 40 weeks of supervised clinical experience in the clinical year.
- Possess a bachelor男女操逼视频软件檚 degree from an accredited college.
- Possess national certification by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA).
- Provide documentation of 3,600 hours post baccalaureate clinical experience with attestation of clinical competency.
- Provide two letters of reference (one from present employer with completion of clinical competency document and verification of 3,600 hours of employment). Download the required clinical competency document (PDF).
- Provide official transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended.
Admissions Procedure
Candidates will have the same admission requirements as all College of Health Professions (CHP) Graduate Programs, in addition to meeting the above requirements.
Application to the program should be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admission.
A formal, completed application, accompanied by a non-refundable application fee (currently $70), must be filed with the Office of Graduate Admissions.
Application Deadline
January 1st is the application deadline to be considered for the spring semester enrollment.