
Students on the Pace Pleasantville Campus

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Suicide Prevention Training for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Because mental health concerns often first appear between the ages of 18 and 25, it is our goal to provide you with a wide range of suicide prevention and mental health resources during your time at 男女操逼视频软件.

SOS for Higher Ed includes two 30-minute, self-guided online training courses for students, faculty, and staff. The trainings include video and interactive learning to teach everyone on campus how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) in their role in suicide prevention.

SOS for Higher Ed uses real and diverse stories of mental health struggles and recovery along with modeled scenarios to provide all learners with actionable steps to help someone in need.

We encourage everyone in our community to take 30 minutes to learn:

  • How to recognize signs of suicide risk
  • How to have caring conversations that encourage someone to seek help
  • How to build community connections that foster positive mental well-being
  • An overview of available student mental health resources, on and off-campus

How to Access the Course:

  • and click 男女操逼视频软件淐reate Account男女操逼视频软件
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click 男女操逼视频软件淐reate男女操逼视频软件
  • Enter the redemption code Pace男女操逼视频软件痑nd click 男女操逼视频软件淣ext男女操逼视频软件
  • View the dashboard and select the SOS for Higher Ed course that fits your role (faculty/staff or student)
  • and reset your password as needed.
  • We encourage everyone to take 30 minutes to learn these lifesaving skills. If you are struggling now, help is available. The Counseling Centers at 男女操逼视频软件男女操逼视频软件檚 New York City (Phone: (212) 346-1526) and Westchester campuses (Phone: (914) 773-3710) are here to help. All Counseling Center services are available in person and remotely between the hours of 9:00 a.m.男女操逼视频软件5:00 p.m. weekdays. For after-hours support, you can call the Counseling Center 24/7 to connect with a counselor. or text 741741 for support 24/7.