Choate House on the Pace Pleasantville campus

Compensation and HR Analytics

ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ is committed to maintaining compensation programs that will attract, reward, and retain the qualified staff it needs to be a premier educational institution. Furthermore, it is important to administer such programs in a fair and equitable manner for all employees. Pace reviews its compensation practices and ranges regularly to ensure that these goals are being met.

Your salary as an employee at Pace is determined by several factors, including what is being paid for similar positions in the educational and local marketplace. At Pace, jobs with similar responsibilities, duties and characteristics are grouped together and assigned a salary range that is externally competitive and that will allow the employee potential salary and career growth. The salary range has a minimum, a midpoint, and a maximum salary rate, and movement within this range depends on several factors, including your performance and where you started in the range, based on your skills and experience prior to joining the University.

In managing the UniversityÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s compensation programs, we provide assistance with:

  • Creating and updating position descriptions
  • Job evaluation and classification
  • Promotions, salary increases and title changes
  • Merit process guidelines and procedures
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) compliance
  • Managing and navigating the Performance Management and Development Process (PMDP), including questions regarding the PMDP system and supervisory reporting updates.

The Compensation department also includes HR Analytics and HR Data Management. Common functions include:

  • Compensation inquiries
  • Census requests
  • Surveys and HR data reports
  • HR Metrics

For inquiries, please contact hrdata@pace.edu

Please note that administering salaries equitably is a shared responsibility between your supervisor and the Human Resources Department. If you have questions regarding your salary, it is recommended that you discuss them with your supervisor, as he or she is in the best position to explain how your individual salary was determined.

Helpful Links and Resources

  • ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ applicant tracking system also used to create new position descriptions or update existing ones.
    • Payment Actions: Visit the Manager's Actions section under the Training Library Tab in your UKG Ready Dashboard for PDF guides on various payment actions.
  • Performance Management and Development Process
  • Compensation Policies