
Three Pace students in a computer lab

Faculty and Admin Support

Professional Pronunciation Training for Faculty

Are you a professor at Pace whose first language is something other than English? Would you like to improve your pronunciation to ease communication with your students? We男女操逼视频软件檇 love to get you set up with one of our professional tutors for one-on-one, weekly sessions. Simply email us at IAS@pace.edu to receive more information and sign up. Note, however, that we have very limited availability, and that sessions are provided on a first come, first serve basis. Waitlists are available should we not have sessions available to you when you reach out.

Student Concerns

It男女操逼视频软件檚 not always easy to determine why students are struggling in their classes, but feel free to pursue the below charts on different student needs and the support services we have available for each, and don男女操逼视频软件檛 worry; we have a lot of experience advising students on which kind of support best fits their needs and are ready to step in. If you think a student could benefit from talking to us, let the student know to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu.

English as a Second Language Concerns

Note also that we have academic classes led by professors with extensive experience teaching international students available.

  • Ask the student to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu, requesting one-on-one tutoring on any area of English that may apply: listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary. Students should be aware, however, that these sessions fill up quickly, so they may have to go on our waitlist or choose another format till a seat opens.

  • Our conversation groups are the perfect format for students to practice fluency - the skill associated with speaking English without too much effort while getting meaning across effectively. View this as the opposite skill of accuracy, often associated with public speaking. Ask the student to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu, requesting a seat in our Conversation Groups.

  • Ask the student to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu, requesting one-on-one sessions centered on writing skills specifically. Our first priority would be to find a tutor who can support the student男女操逼视频软件檚 writing skill development on a weekly basis, but if this is unavailable, we男女操逼视频软件檇 refer the student on to the Writing Center for one-time appointments or their workshop schedule.

  • Ask the student to email Ellayne Ganzfried directly at eganzfried@pace.edu to sign up for Professional Speech Tutoring at the Speech and Hearing Center.

  • Ask the student to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu, requesting a seat in our Business English Seminars. The student may also wish to participate in the INSPIRE program through 男女操逼视频软件 Services.

  • Ask the student to email us directly at IAS@pace.edu, requesting a seat in our Legal English Seminars. The seminars may consist of either individual or group sessions at the tutor男女操逼视频软件檚 discretion.

Academic Concerns

  • Ask the student to schedule for one-time academic mentoring sessions or reach out to us at IAS@pace.edu if you think weekly sessions would serve the student better. Study skills workshops are also available on Trac Cloud.

  • Check which classes the Learning Center is offering tutoring on, and if your class is listed, ask the student to schedule through Trac Cloud.

Behavioral Concerns

  • For instance, this could be when you observe a student crying in class because s/he is worried about their family back home or if a student performs well in class then suddenly goes missing and stops responding to outreach. Depending on the needs the student is expressing, you could either refer them to the Counseling Center or . The International Buddy Program and our Conversation Groups could also be great places to refer students if they feel disconnected and wish to form stronger ties with their fellow peers.