ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s strategic planning process is a data-driven approach that involves engagement with stakeholders across the University.
The Strategic Planning Process is governed by four groups.
The Steering Committee consists of faculty, staff, and students who have engaged in evaluation and discussion of the strategic plan over the past two years. The Steering Committee continues to provide critical thought leadership on the strategic direction of ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ.
The Executive Working Group of the Steering Committee ensures that Steering Committee work is aligned with university priorities and is the liaison to the Board of Trustees Special Committee.
The Transformation Management Office (TMO) is charged with defining, maintaining, and govern the transformation process, supporting the Initiative Teams as they execute against plans (including providing tools and templates), monitoring progress against metrics and milestones, and providing a framework to ensure decisions aren't made before they are properly vetted.
To provide additional support to the Steering Committee, seven Initiative Teams worked over the 2020-2021 academic year to identify key actions to operationalize the strategic plan.
Budget and Reporting
The team has been evaluating the RCM revenue and cost allocation model and developing a going-forward recommendation to be used to evaluate the financial performance of each school/college. The teamsÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™ work is being socialized with faculty councils and among the Deans, Operations Committee and finance teams. Chaired by Angelica Ferreira and Kaustav Sen.
Team Members: Matt Aiello-Lammens (Faculty, Dyson), Vince Barella (Faculty, Lubin), Adam Boyd (Staff, Finance), Jane Ciampi (Staff, Finance), Clarissa Cylich (Staff, Dyson), Barbara Farrell (Faculty, Lubin), Angelica Ferrerira (Staff, Finance), Iuliana Ismailescu (Faculty, Lubin), Pat Ketterer (Staff, CHP), Cathy Pagano (Staff, ProvostÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office), Kaustav Sen (Faculty, Lubin), Michelle Simon (Faculty, Haub)
The team is developing recommendations for a going-forward structure and operational plan for multidisciplinary programs. Chaired by Nira Herrmann and Cathy Dwyer.
Team Members: Charlotte Becket (Dyson DeanÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office), Avrom Caplan (Staff, ProvostÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office), Christine Clayton (Faculty, SOE), Cathy Dwyer (Faculty, Seidenberg), Susan Ford-Goldshein (Staff, Admissions), Jill Gross (Faculty, Haub), Nira Herrmann (Staff, ProvostÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office), Andrea Sonenberg (Faculty, CHP), Jun Yuan (Faculty, Seidenberg)
Campus Identity
The team will develop language and concepts around how we define the Pace experience. This will be an aspirational focus to align our community toward our vision and brand. Chaired by Jean Gallagher and Luke Cantarella.
Team Members: Mark Brown (Staff, Athletics), Luke Cantarella (Faculty, Dyson), Kathleen Chambard (Staff, EM), Michael Cordova (Staff, Student Affairs), Emilio Fernandez (Faculty, Dyson), Steven Feyl (Staff, Library), Leila Franchi (Staff, UR), Adam Klein (Faculty, Dyson), Meghana Nayak (Faculty, Dyson), Alerie Tirsch (Staff, Student Affairs), Emily Waldman (Faculty, Haub), Kathy Winsted (Faculty, Lubin)
Pace Path
The team will develop the operational plan for ensuring the Pace Path is an effective program for every undergraduate student across the university. Chaired by John Meletiadis and Heather Novak.
Team Members: Isaac Ashraf Vaghefi (Faculty, CHP), Mimi Fortune (Staff, Student Affairs), Stephanie Hsu (Faculty, Dyson), Maria Iacullo-Bird (Staff, Research), Paul Kurnit (Faculty, Lubin), John Meletiadis (Staff, ProvostÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office), Peter McDermott (Faculty, SOE), Heather Novak (Staff, Dyson), Natalie Stepanian (Faculty, CHP)
Overhead Efficiencies
The team will develop a prioritization of process improvements that need to be addressed to ensure that Pace is operating in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Chaired by Jean Gallagher.
Team Members: Chris Elarde (Staff, ITS), Wei Fang (Faculty, Dyson), Matt Aiello-Lammens (Faculty, Dyson), Nilam Kotadia (Staff, Student Affairs), Kelley Kreitz (Faculty, Dyson), Nancy Reagin (Faculty, Dyson), Matt Renna (Staff, HR), Robina Schepp (Staff, EM), Michelle Simon (Faculty, Haub), Jim Szel (Staff, Facilities), Nicole Thompson-Williams (Staff, Finance and Administration)
Success Metrics
The team will develop a list of key success metrics and a reporting methodology and structure to ensure we are meeting the strategic plan objectives. Chaired by Jean Gallagher.
Team Members: Kelley Kreitz (Faculty, Dyson), Joshua Mendelsohn (Faculty, CHP), Robina Schepp (Staff, EM)
The team is evaluating opportunities to partner with other institutions to advance our academic goals. Chaired by Jean Gallagher.
Team Membership: Bob Almon (Staff, Finance), Lauren Birney (Faculty, SOE), Andrew Coggins (Faculty, Lubin), Jonathan Hill (Dean, Seidenberg), Lori Kanner (Staff, Haub), Marvin Krislov (President), Gary Laermer (Staff, Development), Miguel Mostiero (Faculty, Seidenberg), Shawn O'Riley (Staff, PESP), Jessica Tosto (Faculty, CHP)