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Resources for Supporting Students

Whether you have had no prior experience or a lot of experience supporting a student with low-risk or high-risk dangerous behaviors, the CARE Team recommends you consider the following resources to develop various skills in supporting students of concern:

Understanding the difference between disruptive vs. dangerous behaviors

  • (National Behavioral Intervention Teams Association (2012)
  • Hoffman, K.D. & Lee, S.H. (2014). A CIT Investigation of Disruptive Student Behaviors: The Students男女操逼视频软件 Perspective. Marketing Education Review, 24(2): 115-126. , National Behavioral Intervention Teams Association (2017)

Managing mental health concerns in the classroom

  • has a faculty tips resource guide related to working with mental health concerns in the classroom and creating a culture of caring
  • The focuses on supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people of color. Their video 男女操逼视频软件溎信俦剖悠等砑䴘 provides an insight into the types of concerns experienced by students of color and how those concerns may surface in the classroom.

Understanding the intersectionality of mental health and behaviors of concern

Assessing Risk and Students Behavior

  • , National Behavioral Intervention Teams Association (2019)