The following curriculum resource list includes a number of publications, organization and initiatives. This resource should provide substantial literature to facilitate any research interests of Pace faculty/staff members and students. We have highlighted different focus areas within the social sector along with a list of articles, books and case studies related to each category, including:
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Philanthropy and Community Service
- Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Earned Income Strategies
- Nonprofit Board Governance
- Nonprofit Management, Strategy and Performance
- Performance Measurement and Impact
- Organizations and Initiatives
- Teaching Resources
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Kanter, RM. 1999. From spare change to real change: The social sector as beta site for business innovation. Harvard Business Review, 77(3): 122-32.
- Porter, M.E, & Kramer, M.R. 2006. Strategy and society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 84(12): 78-92
- Porter, M.E, Kramer, M.R. & Zadek, S. Redefining corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review. On Point Collection, February 2007.
- Smith, N.C., Bhattacharya, C.B., Vogel, D. & Levine, D.I. 2010. Global challenges in responsible business. New York: Cambridge University Press, USA.
Case Studies
- Kanter, R.M. & Reisen De Pinho. 2005. ABN AMRO REAL: Banking on Sustainability (Case Study). Boston: Harvard Business Review
Philanthropy and Community Service
- Bradley, B., Jansen, P. & Silverman, L. 2003. The nonprofit sector男女操逼视频软件檚 $100 billion dollar opportunity. Harvard Business Review, 81(5): 94-103
- Letts, C., Ryan, W. & Grossman, A. 1997. Virtuous capital: What foundations can learn from venture capitalists. Harvard Business Review, 75(2):36-44.
- Porter, M. E. 2002. Corporate philanthropy: Taking the high ground In Porter, M. E. & M. R. Kramer (Eds.) The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review(December): 56-68.
- Ostrower, F. 1995. Why the wealthy give. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
- Frumkin, P. 2010. The essence of strategic giving: A practical guide for donors and fundraisers. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Frumkin, P. & Imber, J. 2004. In search of the nonprofit sector. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Case Studies
- Chu, M. & Hazell, J.S. 2007. The Omidyar男女操逼视频软件揟ufts Microfinance Fund: Striving to Reshape the Social Enterprise Capital Markets (Case Study). Harvard Business School.
Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Adams, C. & Perlmutter, F. 1991. Commercial venturing and the transformation of America男女操逼视频软件檚 voluntary welfare agencies. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 20(1): 25-38.
- Alter, K. 2007. Social Enterprise Typology. Washington, DC: Virtue Ventures.
- Arnsberger, P., Ludlum, M. , & Riley, M. 2007. IRS Statistics of Income: Current research in the nonprofit sector. Washington, DC: Internal Revenue Service.
- Cordes, J. A. & Weisbrod, B. A. 1998. Differential taxation of nonprofits and the commercialization of nonprofit revenues. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 17(2): 195-214.
- Dees, J., Anderson, B.B. & Wei-Skillern, J. 2004. Scaling social impact: strategies for spreading social innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 1(4): 23-32
- Drayton, W. 2002. The citizen sector: becoming as entrepreneurial and competitive as business. California Management Review, 44(3): 122-132.
- Foster, W. & Bradach, J. 2005. Should nonprofits seek profits? Harvard Business Review, 83(2): 92-100.
- Frumkin, P. & Kim, M. T. 2001. Strategic positioning and the financing of nonprofit organizations: Is efficiency rewarded in the contributions marketplace? Public Administration Review, 61(3): 266-275.
- Hansmann, H.B. 1980. The role of nonprofit enterprise. The Yale Law Journal, 89: 835-98.
- Hansmann, H. B. 1989. Unfair competition and the unrelated business income tax. Virginia Law Review, 75: 605-35.
- Internal Revenue Service. 2004. Testimony: Charitable giving problems and best practices. IR-2004-81, June 22, 2004.
- Lasprogata, G. A. & Cotton, M. N. 2003. Contemplating 男女操逼视频软件渆nterprise男女操逼视频软件: The business and legal challenges of social entrepreneurship. American Business Law Journal, 41(1): 68-112.
- Luksetich, W. 2008. Government funding and nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 37: 434-442.
- Schiff, J. & Weisbrod, B. 1993. Competition between for-profit and non-profit organizations in commercial markets. In A. Ben-Ner & B. Gui (Eds.), The nonprofit sector in the mixed economy 127-148. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
- Weisbrod, B. A. 2004. The pitfalls of profits. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2(3): 40-47.
- Austin, J.E., Leonard, H., Reficco, E.,& Wei-Skillern, J., 2004. Corporate social entrepreneurship: A new vision of CSR. Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 05-021. Boston: Harvard Business School.
- Bornstein, D. 2004. How to change the world: Social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- James, E. & Rose-Ackerman, S. 1986. The nonprofit enterprise in market economies. New York: Harwood Press.
- Leadbeater, C. 1996. The rise of the social entrepreneur, London, UK: Demos.
- Nicholls, A. 2006. Social entrepreneurship: New models of sustainable social change. New York: Oxford University Press, USA
- Oster, S. 1995. Strategic management for nonprofit organizations. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Salamon, L. M. 1995. Partners in public service: Government-nonprofit relations in the modern welfare state. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Simon, J. G. 1987. The tax treatment of nonprofit organizations: A review of federal and state policies. In Walter W. Powell (Ed.) The nonprofit sector: A research handbook. 67-98. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
- Titmuss, R. M. 1971. The gift relationship: From human blood to social policy. New York, NY: Pantheon.
- Weisbrod B.A. & Schlesinger, M. 1986. Public, private, nonprofit ownership and the response to asymmetric information: The case of nursing homes. In S. Rose-Ackerman (Ed.) The Economics of Nonprofit Institutions: Studies in Structure and Policy, 133-151. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Weisbrod, B. A. (Ed.). 1998. To profit or not to profit: The commercial transformation of the nonprofit sector. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Weitzman, M. S. & Lampkin, L. M. 2002. The new nonprofit almanac and Desk Reference. New York: Jossey-Bass, Table 1.1. at 4-5.
Case Studies
- Dees, J. & Oberfield, A. 1991. Note on starting a nonprofit venture (Case Study) Boston: Harvard Business Review.
- Kanter, R.M. 2005. Even Bigger Change: A Framework for Getting Started at Changing the World. (Case Study). Boston: Harvard Business Review.
- Jick, T. 2010. The metropolitan music of art: The shark in the room (Case Study). Columbia Business School: Columbia Case Works.
- Bugg-Levine, A. 2011. Root capital: Investment in the developing world (Case Study). Columbia Business School: Columbia Case works
- Johar, G. 2010. Life Springs (Case Study). Columbia Business School: Columbia Case Works.
Earned Income Strategies
- Gair, C. 2005. If the shoe fits: Nonprofit or for-profit? The choice matters. San Francisco, CA: The Robert男女操逼视频软件檚 Enterprise Development Fund (REDF).
- Alter, K. 2000. Managing the double bottom line: A business planning reference guide for social enterprises. Washington, DC: Virtue Ventures.
- Emerson, J. & Twersky, F. 1996. New social entrepreneurs: The success, challenge, and lessons of nonprofit enterprise creation. San Francisco, CA: The Robert男女操逼视频软件檚 Enterprise Development Fund (REDF).
- Oster, S., Massarsky, C.W. & Beinhacker, S.L. 2004. Generating and sustaining nonprofit earned income: A guide to successful enterprise strategies. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Nonprofit Board Governance
- Herzlinger, R.E. 1994. Effective oversight: A guide for nonprofit directors. Harvard Business Review, 72(4): 52-60
Nonprofit Management, Strategy and Performance
- Foster, W. & Bradach, J. 2005. Should nonprofits seek profits? Harvard Business Review, 83(2): 92-100.
- Kaplan, R.S. 2001. Strategic performance measurement and management in nonprofit organizations. Journal of Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 11(3): 353-370
- Ryan, W.P., Grossman, A. & Letts, C. 1999. High performance nonprofit organizations: Managing upstream for greater impact. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Case Studies
- Leonard, H.B., Epstein, M.J. & Winig, L. 2005. Playgrounds and Performance: Results Management at KaBOOM! (Case Study) Boston: Harvard Business School
Performance Measurement and Impact
- The Rockefeller Foundation & The Goldman Sachs Foundation. 2003. Social impact assessment: A discussion among grant makers. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation & The Goldman Sachs Foundation
- Kaplan, R.S. 2001. Strategic performance measurement and management in nonprofit organizations. Journal of Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 11(3): 353-370
Organizations and Initiatives
- Independent Sector
- National Center for Charitable Statistics
- Urban Institute; The National Center for Charitable Statistics
Teaching Resources
- The Aspen Institute Center for Business Education. Beyond Grey Pinstripes