Resources of the Bloomberg Lab and ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ include:
Students can access quantitative financial data through the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). Some of the data available through that source are:
- Compustat
- CRSP (Daily and Monthly Price and Returns Data)
- Global Insight (formerly DRI)
- AuditAnalytics
- The First Call Historical Database
Through the , students can also access the following business and financial databases::
- Academic Search Ultimate
- AD$Summary
- AdAge DataCenter
- Books24x7
- Business Insights: Essentials
- Business Source Ultimate
- Checkpoint (RIA)
- Credo Reference Academic Core
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Economics & Theory
- Fed in Print
- Gale E-Books
- Hospitality and Tourism Index
- Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
- IBIS World
- Linked-in Learning
- Mergent Archive
- Mergent Online
- NetAdvantage (Standard and Poors)
- Nexis UNI
- Passport Reference and Markets
- Regional Business News
- SAGE Journals.
- Simmons Insights
- Social Science Research Network
- Statista
- Tax Notes
- ThomasNet
- Wall Street Journal Archive
- Winmo
- World Bank
- WRDS (Compustat)