trading room housing the Global Portfolio Analysis Center on the New York City Campus of ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ

Bloomberg Services

The Bloomberg workstation provides business and financial professionals with the tools and data they need on a single, all-inclusive platform. Bloomberg is an online database available only on a dedicated Bloomberg workstation, providing 24-hour current and historical financial quotes. These quotes include: stock, bond, option, futures, warrants, swaps, commodities, currencies, mortgage backed securities, asset backed securities, indexes, mutual funds (open and closed), exchange traded funds, credit default swaps, etc. Also available are: economic statistics, analyst reports/research, credit rating information, country information, portfolio analytics, scenario analysis, spot rate/ yield curve information, business newswires, and descriptive information, research and statistics. Bloomberg provides financial market news, economic data, research, analytics, company financial as well as data on more than 5 million bonds, equities, commodities currencies, and funds, including real-time data over 129 countries and 250 exchanges. It covers almost every publicly-traded company in the world and has profiles on more than a million people.

There are over 20,000 different commands (called mnemonics) available to the user. Bloomberg also has a great job listing resource available, with lots of finance industry postings. Bloomberg has an online "university" that can be accessed and courses taken for certification in equities and/or fixed income, free of charge. You may be able to use Bloomberg for your classes for research.

The ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ library provides information on the Bloomberg workstations (e.g. how to log onto the terminals, how to create a username, etc.). Visit for more information.