
Entrance to One Pace Plaza

As described in the NYFC Constitution, duties and membership of the Calendar committee consist of the following:

  1. The Committee on the Calendar is composed of 5 elected voting members of the NYFC.
  2. The duties of the Committee on the Calendar are to establish policies regarding construction of the University Calendar and to represent NYFC views to the University Scheduling and Calendar Committee.
  3. Three members of this committee are voting members of the University Scheduling and Calendar Committee, and two members of this committee are alternate members of the University Scheduling and Calendar Committee.

Allocated: 5 members

Currently has: 5 members and 1 alternate

Committee chair: P.V. Viswanath

Current committee members:

  • David Jackson, PA Program (CHP)
  • PV Viswanath, Finance (Lubin) - Chair
  • Juan Shan, Computer Science (Seidenberg)
  • Julia Nomee, IT (Seidenberg)
  • Kwang-Hyun Chung, Accounting (Lubin)

Untenured Alternate:

  • Tracy Van Ness, Physician Assistant (CHP)