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Curriculum Policies & Procedures

As described in the NYFC Constitution, duties and membership of the Curriculum Policies and Procedures committee consist of the following:

  1. The Committee on Curriculum Policies and Procedures shall be composed of the following members:
    1. 10 at-large voting members of the NYFC;
    2. One voting member for each academic department, either the Department Chair or a department representative;
    3. Chairs of College/School Curriculum committees;
    4. The Committee chair/co-chairs may invite such individuals ex officio as the campus Directors of Academic Programs, e.g., the Honors College; the Academic Deans, or their chosen representatives, Director of Libraries, Registrar, Director of Admissions, and Director of Special Programs, or the Director of Graduate Admissions.
  2. The primary function of the Curriculum Committee is to offer recommendations to the NYFC with reference to improving and updating the academic programs on the campus and to maintain an ongoing relationship with the JFC with regard to curricular issues.
  3. The Committee also has an obligation to review, and if necessary, recommend to Council that there be changes in the Core Curriculum.
  4. The qualitative goal of this Committee is to assist the various divisions of the University in the development of quality programs that will prepare students in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of the University.
  5. Specific Functions
    1. To make recommendations to the NYFC based on its review and evaluation of the curricular matters found below:
    2. departmental initiatives from all of the schools and the college in developing new degree granting programs;
    3. modifications in course offerings that may cause significant change in the requirements of an existing program;
    4. new curricula within existing degree granting programs;
    5. deletions of major and minor programs;
    6. review the core curriculum, from time to time, with particular attention to changes in course offerings that impact on the core;
    7. to establish academic policy regarding Graduate study at the University.

Allocated: 10 members

Currently has: 10 members and 2 alternates

Committee co-chairs: Janice Winch and Jason Slyer

Current committee members:

  • Ana B. Amaya, Health Professions (CHP)
  • Ric Kolenda, Public Administration (Dyson)
  • Janice Winch, Management (Lubin) ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Chair
  • Pradeep Gopalakrishna, Marketing (Lubin)
  • Kier Hanratty, Economics (Dyson)
  • Walter Raubicheck, English (Dyson)
  • Ping Wang, Accounting (Lubin)
  • Kwang-Hyun Chung, Accounting (Lubin)

Untenured Alternates:

  • Diana Wint, Graduate Studies (CHP)
  • Graham Kindred, Production and Design (Sands)