
One Pace Plaza with Students Walking.

Jonathan H. Hill, DPS
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Phone: (212) 346-1956
Email: provost@pace.edu

Patricia M. Boustany
Executive Director, Provost Operations
Phone: (212) 346-1385 or (212) 346-1956
Email: pboustany@pace.edu

Cathy Pagano-Ives, MBA, CPA
Associate Vice President of Academic Finance
Phone: (212) 346-1419
Email: cpagano@pace.edu

Mary O'Shea
University Retention Director
Email: moshea@pace.edu

Olivia Dituro
Assistant Director, Academic Operations
Phone: (212) 346-1929 or (212) 346-1956
Email: odituro@pace.edu

Kimberly Quispe, MS
Manager of Finance & Systems, Office of the Provost
Phone: (914) 923-2662 or (914) 279-9540
Email: kquispe@pace.edu

Erin Arata
Executive Assistant, Office of the Provost
Phone: (212) 346-1986 or (212) 346-1956
Email: earata@pace.edu