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Council of Deans and Faculty on Promotion and Tenure CDFPT

Tenure and Promotion Procedures


The Council of Deans and Faculty on Promotion and Tenure (CDFPT) is a critical council at 男女操逼视频软件. The CDFPT is composed of academic deans from the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, the Lubin School of Business, the College of Health Professions, and the School of Education, as well as members of the faculty. Three faculty members are elected to represent the Westchester Faculty Council and three to represent the New York Faculty Council. In addition, the Location Councils elect an alternate for each faculty representative. CDFPT faculty alternates attend all CDFPT meetings and receive all minutes and informational material on candidates. They participate in the deliberative discussions but have no vote in the CDFPT decision, unless substituting for an absent or a voting member who has recused him/herself. The faculty representatives serve for two years.

The CDFPT formally evaluates and votes on all tenure and promotion dossiers once the material is forwarded from the Office of the Provost. The CDFPT男女操逼视频软件檚 deliberations are held in strictest confidence, and only the list of recommended candidates is disclosed. The Office of the Provost, in a timely and simultaneous fashion, will notify all nominees, their department chairpersons, the Location Faculty Councils and the University President when the CDFPT recommendations for faculty promotion and tenure have been determined. Precedent does not bind the CDFPT. Recommendations reached in a given year are mutually exclusive of those reached in prior years. The CDFPT's recommendations are then introduced to the appropriate Location Faculty Council for vote by the end of February. After the vote, the recommendations are forwarded to the President and the Board of Trustees for final approval.

  • The New York Faculty Council and Westchester Faculty Council elections for faculty representatives and alternates to the CDFPT take place during the academic year preceding the CDFPT deliberations. Candidates for promotion and/or tenure cannot stand for CDFPT election. The Office of the Provost is informed promptly of the results of these elections. In December (see timetable for specific dates) of a given academic year, the Provost will convene an organizational meeting of the CDFPT, at which time it will elect a chairperson from among its members. The Provost serves as a resource person to the CDFPT on matters of procedure.

  • The CDFPT recommendations on promotion and tenure are submitted by the last week of January (see timetable for specific dates). Candidates must provide contact information to the Provost男女操逼视频软件檚 Office. These recommendations by the CDFPT are based on its assessment of each faculty member's qualifications as evidenced by the available fact sheet, evaluation forms, recommendations, dossier, and collective judgment of the members of the CDFPT all within the context of University policy on promotion, tenure and separation as expressed primarily in the Faculty Handbook. The CDFPT's deliberations are held in strictest confidence. Only the list of recommended candidates is disclosed. The Provost男女操逼视频软件檚 Office notifies candidates not recommended for tenure and promotion to allow for appeal.

    When the recommendations have been made, all nominees, their Department Chairs, Location Faculty Councils, and the University President are notified simultaneously. Recommendations are voted on by the appropriate Location Faculty Councils (see timetable for specific dates). After the vote, the recommendations are forwarded to the President and the Board of Trustees for final approval. A candidate not recommended may arrange to discuss the CDFPT recommendation with his/her Dean before the deadline to appeal.