One Pace Plaza with Students Walking.

CDFPT Guidelines for Dossier Preparation

TAP Dossier

The purpose of the Dossier is to represent both your academic and professional qualifications and your performance as a faculty member. CDFPT members who may not know you personally will read it; therefore, it is important that it be as representative, complete and clear as possible. Since dozens of dossiers are submitted each year, a concise and relatively uniform presentation aids in the evaluation process. Carelessly presented dossiers can hinder effective evaluation. In addition, Departmental and School/College TAP and CDFPT members must read many candidatesÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™ materials. That is why you must keep within the page limit for each section.

It is highly recommended that faculty applying for tenure and/or promotion attend at least one of the Academic Portfolio Workshops offered by The Faculty Center.

The suggestions below have been compiled by the Departmental TAP and CDFPT members as well as faculty who have themselves been successful candidates. You may also find it helpful to ask colleagues who have recently been through the process to let you review their dossiers.

It is highly recommended that faculty applying for tenure and/or promotion (TAP) follow these organization guidelines to assist TAP committees to review your dossier.

  • The following formatting guidelines apply only to the following documents in your dossier: Executive Summary; Teaching Statement; Research/Scholarship Statement; Service Statement; Professional Practicum Statement.

    • Heading on first page: (Center on top of page) Full name, Department, Rank, Year
    • Heading on pages two and on: Year, Last name, First initial top right corner
    • Font: Georgia
    • Font size: 11 PT or larger
    • Spacing: 1.5 lines
    • Page margins: 1 inch all around
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 15 pages

    The vita is a factual summary of your career. (Your Dossier is a public, rather than confidential, record of your accomplishments.)

    This must be one document in Word. A CV template (DOCX) must be used, and it can be found on the ProvostÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ™s Office website in Academic Policies and Forms.

    Executive Summary ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 2 pages

    The executive summary highlights your accomplishments and expertise in the areas of teaching, scholarship/research, professional/practicum (optional), and service.

    This must be one document in Word.

    Teaching Statement ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 10 pages

    This section should include objective and subjective evidence of your abilities and effectiveness as a teacher. Some suggested sub-headings for this section include:

    • Teaching Philosophy
    • Teaching Responsibilities - Include any courses you developed.
    • General Classroom Strategies
    • Teaching Assessments and Evaluations
    • Collaborative Opportunities with Students
    • Future Teaching Goals

    This must be one document in Word.

    Scholarship/Research Statement ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 10 pages

    This section should include objective evidence of your abilities and effectiveness as a scholar/researcher. Some suggested sub-headings for this section include:

    • Introduction ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Your scholarship/research philosophy. A description of your area(s) of research.
    • Scholarship/Research ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ A description of your scholarship/research and its impact, influence, importance in your discipline. In addition to the published work highlighted in this section, work(s) in progress with anticipated completion dates and grants, applied for and received, or approved and not funded (substantiated by documents), is appropriate. Other means used to share research findings, knowledge, and thinking, such as presentations at academic or professional meetings or in seminars or forums for students, peers, or the public. You may present this by specifying dates, sponsoring organizations, locations, and nature of participation (e.g., coordinator, presenter, or panelist; titles of sessions/papers, etc.).
    • Future Scholarship/Research Goals - Where you see your scholarship/research moving.

    This must be one document in Word.

    Service Statement ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 10 pages

    This section highlights your contribution to: 1) your Department, School/College, and University (internal service); and 2) at the community level (external service). Specify the organizations, groups, and events in which you have actively participated, citing particular accomplishments. You may wish to submit letters from knowledgeable and qualified individuals attesting to your involvement. Some suggested sub-headings for this section include:

    • Introduction ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ A description of your internal and external service
    • Internal Service ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ A list of your internal service at the Departmental, College/School, and/or University levels; this list can be bulleted.
    • External Service ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ A list of your external service that is relevant at the community, local, national, and/or international, professional levels; this list can be bulleted.
    • Professional Development ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ A list of conferences, courses, symposiums, continuing education courses that you participated and/or attended; this list can be bulleted.

    This must be one document in Word.

    Professional/Practicum (Optional) ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ Length should be no greater than 10 pages

    This section is optional. Faculty in the health professions, education and some areas of business may find this section appropriate. It is best to confer with your Chair and Dean to determine if this section is applicable to you.

    This must be one document in Word.

  • Supporting Documents or Evidence ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ“ There is no limit to the number of appendices, but each document should have a cover page with table of contents, and bookmarks. Not all Departmental Tap and CDFPT members devote the same amount importance or time to this section. Each appendix section/subheading should be in one document.

    Bookmarks: Microsoft Word sometimes makes automatic bookmarks, or HEADINGS as they are called in Word. (PowerPoint and Excel automatically create bookmarks based on slides and sheets/tabs.)

    • For examples of each document or assistance please contact facultycareerdev@pace.edu. You may use Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, or Images. If you need to use media in your supporting documents, like videos or links to web pages, they may be added as separate additions and should also have links to them in your file.

    Below are some suggested supporting documents. There is no requirement to include the below documents, but are highly suggested.

    General Supporting Documents

    • Annual Performance Reviews
    • Mid-Tenure Reviews
    • FAR
    • Markers of Excellence
    • Academic Portfolio Workshop certificates of completion

    Teaching Supporting Documents

    • Course Syllabi. Rather than providing a syllabus for each class you may want to provide two from the same course; one early in your teaching and one later to show growth or change. Naming convention: Teaching-Course Syllabi
    • Examples of Assessments. Some possible examples include rubrics and assessment matrices, assignments, projects, review guides and exams. Naming convention: Teaching-Assessments
    • Assignments and Exams. Some possible examples include use of ePortfolios, projects, papers, summaries, abstracts, presentations, and exams. Naming convention: Teaching-Assignments & Exams
    • Student Course Evaluations. All student course evaluations are strongly encouraged to be included. Since these could be well over 50 pages, include the most recent in one file and link to the rest. Naming convention: Teaching-Student Evaluations
    • Teaching Peer Observations. These evaluations are strongly encouraged and are conducted by tenured, senior colleagues at Pace and/or other universities. These may be either formal classroom evaluations or letters attesting to effective teaching. Include professional colleague evaluations of teaching performance in non-academic settings, e.g., professional groups or public seminars if you feel these may be helpful. Naming convention: Teaching-Peer Evaluations
    • Teaching Letters of Support. These could be letters from a colleague attesting to your teaching. Naming convention: Teaching-Letters of Support
    • Student Thank You Notes. Unsolicited letters/emails from an appreciative student. Naming convention: Teaching-Student Thank Yous
    • Professional Development. These could include workshops completed and events attended in the Faculty Center and other departments that relate to teaching. Naming convention: Teaching-Professional Development
    • Other suggested evidence:
      • Sample Lectures
      • Course Evolution Table
      • Teaching Awards
      • Teaching Certificates
      • Teaching Strategies
      • Photos and Videos
      • Curriculum Innovation/Development
      • Pedagogy and Methods
      • Media Recognition

    Research/Scholarship Supporting Documents

    • Publications. Provide a list in bulleted form of all publications; and then the full or excerpt of manuscript/journal is recommended. Naming convention: Research-Publications
      • Other evidence may be:
        • Peer-Reviewed Articles
        • Accepted Manuscripts
        • In-Submission Manuscripts or Publications Under Review
        • Manuscripts in Progress
        • Book Chapters
    • Presentations. Provide a list in bulleted form that includes the date of the presentation, the title of your work, name of conference or organization, and location; and then the full or excerpt of the actual presentation is recommended. Naming convention: Research-Presentations
      • Other evidence may be:
        • Research Lectures/Talks
        • Conferences
    • Grants and Awards. Provide a list in bulleted form; and then the full or excerpt of the actual grant application or award is recommended. It is recommended to also include grants applied but not approved. Naming convention: Research-Grants & Awards
    • Impact Factor and Citation Reports. Include citation of your work, (e.g. by other authors or speakers), impact factor and acceptance rate of journals your work appears. Naming convention: Research-Citations
    • Research Collaborations with Students. Any evidence of research done with students should be included. Naming convention: Research-With Students
    • Letters of Support. The majority of the letters of support regarding your scholarship/research are sent confidentially. You may have, however, some letters attesting to your abilities from a colleague or a co-publisher that you wish to include. Naming convention: Research-Letters of Support
    • Other suggested evidence:
      • Research Projects
      • Letters from Presses
      • Media Interviews
      • Media Mentions
      • Acting Resume
      • Press Kits
      • Continuing Research

    Service Supporting Documents

    • Service in Department. Evidence could include correspondence of departmental committees served on, peer observations conducted, etc. Naming convention: Service in Department
    • Service in ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ. Evidence could include correspondence of University committees served on, peer observations conducted in other departments/schools, Faculty Development Workshops conducted/facilitated, etc. Naming convention: Service in University
    • Service in Community and/or Profession. Evidence could include any correspondence, presentations, or letters in regards to service provided to the community outside of ÄÐÅ®²Ù±ÆÊÓƵÈí¼þ. Naming convention: Service in Community Service in Profession
    • Service to Students. Evidence could include correspondence of student clubs supervised, letters of recommendation written, mentorship for thesis, etc. Naming convention: Service to Students
    • Service Letters of Support. Evidence could be letters from a colleague or a student attesting to your service for the department, school, profession or community. Naming convention: Service-Letters of Support
    • Awards and Nominations. These could be awards relating to service. Naming convention: Service-Awards and Noms
    • Other suggested evidence:
      • Service Contributions
      • Thank You Notes
      • Service Presentations