
One Pace Plaza with Students Walking.

Adjunct Scholarship

男女操逼视频软件 and the UAFP are pleased to announce the Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Presentation Fund.

This program provides funding for eligible UAFP adjunct faculty who present papers or chair panels at national conferences in their disciplines. Please refer to Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Presentation Fund Policy (PDF) to assess eligibility requirements and submission deadlines.

Eligible UAFP adjunct faculty can be awarded up to $3,000 per fiscal year (for example, July 1,2024男女操逼视频软件揓une 30, 2025) in accordance with the University男女操逼视频软件檚 current Expense Reimbursement Policy Guidelines effective July 1, 2023 (PDF).

Applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis up to a maximum yearly funding pool of $25,000. Please refer to the UAFP Collective Bargaining Agreement effective July 1, 2024 for additional details.

Online Application:

Questions? Please email the AssociateProvost@pace.edu.